Thursday, September 25, 2008

Un-employed NOT Un-inspired, Day 56

Who'd guessed, me, creeping up on 2 months without a regular gig?
I have been made painfully aware of my awful time management habits in the meantime, only being marginally productive and completely wasting my daily opportunities while my son is watched by my mother-in-law. Most shameful of all is the wealth of ideas/activities that swell and swirl about my mind. Least forgivable is the notion that all of this stuff should be written down, chronicled, expressed HERE. T'would seem I've developed an aversion to the very thing that would help keep my creative side limber. This demon, this monkey upon my back who steers me to take a path of least resistance. I had such grand hopes of what could be accomplished with this 'forced sabbatical'- hell, going into it I envisioned documenting how each of my days would play out and all of the witty repartie that goes along with it. My motivation drain may be partially attributed to this eBay habit- not with the buying, but with gleeful bargain hunting and re-selling. This time-consuming, semi-buzz; while occasionally profitable, does take the place of actually CREATING anything or furthing my job quest. Oh yeah, compounding matters further is the online web design course I am currently enrolled in; this focus issue of mine has made it tedious to follow along adequately and the concept of being at one's own pace could very well be an epitaph for me. Perhaps the above title is tongue and cheek since I don't have much 'inspiration' to account for save what I may claim I have noggin-locked. The fact that I tippity-tappity rant right now may possibly be my breaking point.. we'll see..

1 comment:

Sandra Costello said...

Hi there DV,

I got your comment earlier on my blog site (Studio SMC) but don't have an address for you. If you could send your mailing address to I will happily send you a button! Thanks for your interest:)

Sandra Costello